Saturday, November 15, 2008

November Rain

[I'm writing this entry while listening to November Rain song by Guns & Roses...rawk uuu!!]

8th Nov 2008-Mini Gathering x-MRSM Muar 94/95
I had a really good time meeting up my good, old frens from Muar. Even though only a few frens (9 ppl) turned up but these people are the happening people, so it was really happening gathering! Thanks to Wanie - bersungguh2 initiate this gathering, Peah, Anid, Irma, Ruzaime, Aza, Fieda and of course Amran! I miss you guys already. I'm looking forward to the next big reunion and will support 101% to the Project Manager-Amran. (Gambar? Soon otey)

11 Nov 2008 - Alhamdulillah
Achik had safely undergo the mastectomy operation. I just visited her yesterday. She's getting better and she could get up own her own.

13 Nov 2008- Happy 57th Birthday, Ayah!
We took him to es.sence Kitchen's for dinner. Best jugak sesekali keluar kami 5 beranak aje..hehe..I'm happy to see Ibu and Ayah are happy:) We talked and laughed of many things till I could see Ibu's face became red and she kept telling us, she wanted to 'shishi'! :) Thanks, Amran for always being there for me...(heh, dia bayarkan!:p)

mm ada 1 lagi nantilah, lepas dah official, baru aku boleh post. Peace!


Amran said...

ni takde kene mengena dengan aku bertangungjawab terhadap ainee (pasal satu lagi cerita yg belum official).

Juraimee said...

wakakakka.. dah bagi jawapan before aku bagi soklan.... curlarstttt....

kuizikel said...

ahhahaha.. ayat2 yg mngelirukan sngguh.. mama ainee bikin saspender.. ups

NabilahMazalan said...

pe yg lom official?haha...byk besdey bln 11...

Anonymous said...

huh pi jawab tag aku tuh.....
dari kiri cepatttt jalan

cas said...

amran >> saje tau lari dari tjawab..
jurai, ana & wanie >> kepala korang tade lain ek, husna belum ready lagi:)

bell >> heh, besday tak perlu official..hehehe


Anonymous said...


pe yg blom offical nye tu...

suspen nye nak dgr....

tapi cam da bole agak je


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