Monday, August 18, 2008

While the mama was away...

The situation:
>> The mama had to attend a retreat in PD from Friday morning till Sunday afternoon (3d 2n).
>> Could not bring along the child as the schedule was full till 10.30pm.
>> The papa could not get the room for that weekend (cuti sekolah da)
>> The child never sleep without her mama.
>> The household chores will be left undone.

The result :
1) The papa has passed with flying colors. Bravo! Good job! He was not only taking care of the child, but doing the chores too..suprise!=)muahh!
2) And of course, the mama had a lot of fun with her frens!=)

The papa's tricks:
1) Sleep til noon.
2) Go to McDonald's, Pizza dan sewaktu dengannya, for lunch and dinner.
3) Bring the child to the park or mall's playground...main sampai penat.
4) If step 3 you do with your full heart, the child will fall asleep easily.

Ok..Selamat mencuba & all the best, frens!


Anonymous said...

kah kah kah.. sungguh bagus itu tips... bravo bravo to the PAPA!!!

Amran said...

ye, saya mmg tau, saya bagus . hehe. tips ini memang berkesan. Kalau tido kat jusco lagi senang kot. bangun jer terus main playground, makan kat food court.

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