Thursday, December 13, 2007


Husna is having a cold since yesterday. Yesterday, was quite bad. She had a runny nose and had been snizzen all day. She doesnt know how to blow her nose and refuse to rub Vicks on her nose. I just rub on her chest and back.

Today, she seemed ok. The mucus has turned thicken and turn gray. I hope it is just a common cold. Babycenter says : "If he plays and eats normally (or almost normally — he might eat a bit less and drag a little), then it's probably a cold." - ohh ok, she eats and plays normally, so it is a common cold:) Lagi pun musim hujan ni. We might wondering why we get sick very often during musim hujan, ni sebabnya. -->
"....because cold air and indoor heating dry out his nasal membranes, making it easier for a cold virus to get a foothold there. He also spends more time during cold weather cooped up indoors, where viruses can spread more easily from one person to another".

Cepat baik, sayang!

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