Monday, September 1, 2008

It is my day! (Part 2)

[This entry was supposed to be posted on 28th August 2008]

As you know, this year we decided to celebrate our anniversary at spa...saje cari kelainan.;) We managed to book a package from a new spa of the newest hotel in Melaka -Tea Tree Spa @ Holiday Inn Melaka.

Tea Tree Spa offers so many packages for couple from RM415++ to RM 675++. We chose one of the couple packages [baca: yang paling murah & lengkap;)], at about RM555 + 15% tax (150 minutes), special one called Wedding package (lebih kurang mcm tulah bunyinya - aku lupa:D). This package is including body scrubing (lulur), aromatherapy massage, rose milk bath (in a jacuzzi), manicure & pedicure. That was why I said, this is the cheapest and the perfect one after dihitung those individual treatments=)

We were a little bit late from our original appointment (our fault), so we had to wait around 15min for the room preparation - luckily it was not holiday yet. While waiting, we're served with the welcome tea. (CAS POINT: 3/5)

We were brought to a wooden bali-like treatment room, but actually it is a 'Peranakan' inspired design of pitched roof (according to their brochure). There were two Indonesian ladies waiting for us. The room is designed for couple treatment, completed with 2 showers, a toilet, a jacuzzi tub, a verandah and the most facinated is, it's facing over the Straits of Melaka...and you know what, it was really suprised me that it was a really beautiful view, and all this while I've been in Melaka and I didn't realised that Melaka has her own beauty;) (CAS POINT: 5/5)

[Note: Atas sbb2 keselamatan, beberapa gambar model terpaksa digunakan;)]
Firstly, they gave us the 'aromatheraphy-welcome-massage' for our foot. Aku rasa lebih kepada membersihkan kaki la actually nya;) Then baru the body scrubing. You can choose the scrub - 'kunyit' or green tea scrub. I chose green tea scrub while Amran's choice is the kunyit lulur. Bestnya...dah lama aku tak scrub badan aku. Tapi aku dapat rasa Amran lagi suka...sbb badan Amran yang tak pernah ber'scrub':p Second part, was the body moisturizing with tomatoes! Just Perfect! (CAS POINT: 5/5)

Third part (after taking shower to clean the tomatoes), it was time for Rose Milk Bath in a jacuzzi. I love this session...the smell of the roses, the serenity environment, the warm water and the most important thing was the present of my beloved husband:) (CAS POINT: 5.5/5)

The fourth session was the aromatherapy body massage. Masya-Allah, sedap sangat. Sukar aku nak gambarkan betapa sedapnya. Oh in fact I could, ada orang tu sampai tertido + berdengkur;) - kesian lady yang urut Amran, yelah urut badan orang aku silap, kesian Amran sampai terjerit sakit..haha, rupanya orang tu lagi kuat! (CAS POINT: 5/5)

Then the final session was the manicure & pedicure treatment. I thought I would get both, rupanya man will get the pedicure and lady will get the manicure, cis! Kalau aku tau, aku mintak 2-2 untuk aku..hehe. Takpe next time, bagi chance kat Amran rasa mcmana orang belek kuku kaki;) However, I was not 100% satisfied with the manicure treatment, setakat bersih gitu2 and kilatkan, and I could say not a session that I was expected coz I had done a manicure treatment before. I guessed she must be tired - I forgot to mention that the same person will serve us from the beginning (or else aku kena tipu!) . Takpe, aku maafkan [baca: aku tak kan beli manicure session from this spa again:p] (CAS POINT: 2/5)

Overall Point : 4.25 / 5.00

So mamas & papas out there, why not try different celebration for your anniversary/birthday like having a spa treament together, and I bet you wont regret it:) [Selamat anniversary juga untuk Anid and Peah]

And for my dearest Amran, no words can describe my love and my thank-not only for this year but for all the years we've been through together. Of course, I would like to spend another 40 years with you, insya-allah. Semoga Allah memberkati rumahtangga kami, Amin!

Oh ye frens, I thought my day would end here, but it was NOT! Heh, wait for my 'It is my day! -Part 3' entry soon!


Anonymous said...

wah3...Hepi Anniversary la kak Ainee & Abg tuh g spa...hehe

Anonymous said...

i hope it is not too late to say
"happy anniversary !!" Congratulations on making it this far...

Anonymous said...

happy eniveseri :)

//tringat brhempas pulas jd wedding organizer dulu2

Suhaimi said...

perghkk sudah ada private url tuu... kewl!!

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