Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mother's Day Celebration

We had a mother's day celebration on 10th especially for Mak. Suprisingly, we could gather almost every keturunan Hj Mohd & Hjh Esah, cuma Balqees, Farhan & Ezzah could not make it. And suprisingly too, Umar ada..ngeh,ngeh;) Ok malas nak citer banyak, enjoy the pics!

Hj. Mat menunggu Permaisurinya datang...

Anak2 mengiringi Tuan Permaisuri..

Cake sponsored by Cik Ton. (siap ada tulis 'happy birthday' cik ton:)

Upacara memotong kek...tangkap leleh Mak mendengar ucapan wakil anak2nya-Angah Zai.

Acara menonton Akademi Fantasia dengan khusyuknya...

Sebahagian dari pengkritik2 utama-tak-rasmi AF, diketuai oleh Pn Dahlia;)

Terima kasih kepada tuan rumah-Datin Ainun with her delicious lontong; kole kacang, banana muffin and kuih bingka, home-made by Mak Edah; Cik Ton : who bought the cake-pandai pilih, Cik Nab with her marvelous 'tulang' soup; Achik, who cooked the mee goreng and ayam goreng; and Busu who bought the sate, and also who bought the ice without the drinks;) Last but not least, abah&mak say thank you to their only great-grand-daughter, Husna who gave presents for them=)

Beb..tade orang bawak kacang goreng kan?Ahaksss!!! Peace!

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