Saturday, November 15, 2008

November Rain

[I'm writing this entry while listening to November Rain song by Guns & Roses...rawk uuu!!]

8th Nov 2008-Mini Gathering x-MRSM Muar 94/95
I had a really good time meeting up my good, old frens from Muar. Even though only a few frens (9 ppl) turned up but these people are the happening people, so it was really happening gathering! Thanks to Wanie - bersungguh2 initiate this gathering, Peah, Anid, Irma, Ruzaime, Aza, Fieda and of course Amran! I miss you guys already. I'm looking forward to the next big reunion and will support 101% to the Project Manager-Amran. (Gambar? Soon otey)

11 Nov 2008 - Alhamdulillah
Achik had safely undergo the mastectomy operation. I just visited her yesterday. She's getting better and she could get up own her own.

13 Nov 2008- Happy 57th Birthday, Ayah!
We took him to es.sence Kitchen's for dinner. Best jugak sesekali keluar kami 5 beranak aje..hehe..I'm happy to see Ibu and Ayah are happy:) We talked and laughed of many things till I could see Ibu's face became red and she kept telling us, she wanted to 'shishi'! :) Thanks, Amran for always being there for me...(heh, dia bayarkan!:p)

mm ada 1 lagi nantilah, lepas dah official, baru aku boleh post. Peace!
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