Sunday, October 26, 2008

Our Dyson DC25 Animal

You-know-who has bought a Dyson last week and today, the machine (selepas ini dipanggil Mat Dyson) arrived around 630pm. On the spot, you-know-who was so excited to try and cleaning the house. I LIKE!

Terasa bersih sungguh rumah aku selepas disedut oleh Mat Dyson ni. The suction is excellent, the design is unique, no wonder it so expensive and popular in UK (gila rajin betul orang yang beli ni!) I am really impressed with Mat Dyson's work. I tell you why...I got this rug, it's never been easy to remove dust/dirt from it. Even after vacuum, I have to brush the rug. But, with Mat Dyson, it's really easy and look easy. Macam lalu aje...heh, kagum, kagum.

Second part lagi aku kagum, meh kita tgk habuk dia.....sehalus-halusnya pun disedut. Ada 2 jenis habuk yang dikeluarkan: 1-rupanya kasar, mcm habuk carpet biasa kita tgk. 2-habuk ni very-the-halus, macam debu. Aiiiyek...nampak bersih je carpet2 ni, rupanya berhabuk...terbukti asthma friendly ("Dyson uprights are certified asthma & allergy friendly™ by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America.The air expelled from a Dyson vacuum has up to 150 times less bacteria and mold than the air you breathe").

This type of Mat Dyson, is work best for those who have pets. Pets? Heh, mana ada. Mana tau kalau you-know-who takmo vacuum lagi, boleh la aku buat business sewa vacuum for pets. I havent try other tool and techniques yet, and it's too early to give puji-pujian but I'm sure Mat Dyson (and the person who is going to be the main user) will not disappoint me (wink).


cekkeya said...

hahahah kagum2...haha

cas said...

yan, belum tgk mat dyson sedut carpet merah tu..hahaha, mesti kering habuk dibuatnya!

Juraimee said...

harus lahh mantarp....
tengok lah suction power dia brapa... 220 airwatts kalau tak bley nak sedut segala mala habuk tuh ko pulang kan jer & mintak balik duit tuh..
btw.. yg aku musykill camner lah laki ko bley terpikir sampai nak beli benda imported cam gini??? ngeeee......bravo!!!

cas said...

datuk ju..ini gilak namanya! aku rasakan dia nak jadi Mr Mama dia tengah prepare benda2 yang boleh membantu dlm career tu. Dok gitu, Amran?:D

merubesttau said...

promot bukan main ko ni... ada komisn ke?

Amran said...

bukan sebab suction dia jer power Dyson ni glamer. tapi sebab never loose suction tu yang sbb dia glamer.

Dia ada patented technology nama dia cyclone yang menyebabkan vacuum ni tak hilang suction walaupun vacuum lama2.

Ohh botak, aku suka founder dyson ni, inventor habis. kira menyokong inventor James Dyson.

Recommend reading: James Dyson - Against The Odds

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