Thursday, October 30, 2008

Breast Cancer

This is really bad. Another cancer is visiting my family member:( Yesterday, I received a call from my mom. She told me that my Achik (yes, the chef of my open house) has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Astagfirullah.

She have done the screening and testing before, and that is the result. I don't know her cancer stage but according to my mom, the tumor measures 3-5cm. Based on my readings, maybe it's Phase 2. She's scheduled for a mastectomy on 11th Nov. I also don't know why she's scheduled for mastectomy directly instead of lumpectomy? Maybe that was the doctor's suggestion or Achik doesn't know what kind of surgery she's going to have..... I've printed a few articles that I think she should read......

Emm...why I don't know all these important information?? Because I don't have the guts to visit her:(( :((

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Our Dyson DC25 Animal

You-know-who has bought a Dyson last week and today, the machine (selepas ini dipanggil Mat Dyson) arrived around 630pm. On the spot, you-know-who was so excited to try and cleaning the house. I LIKE!

Terasa bersih sungguh rumah aku selepas disedut oleh Mat Dyson ni. The suction is excellent, the design is unique, no wonder it so expensive and popular in UK (gila rajin betul orang yang beli ni!) I am really impressed with Mat Dyson's work. I tell you why...I got this rug, it's never been easy to remove dust/dirt from it. Even after vacuum, I have to brush the rug. But, with Mat Dyson, it's really easy and look easy. Macam lalu aje...heh, kagum, kagum.

Second part lagi aku kagum, meh kita tgk habuk dia.....sehalus-halusnya pun disedut. Ada 2 jenis habuk yang dikeluarkan: 1-rupanya kasar, mcm habuk carpet biasa kita tgk. 2-habuk ni very-the-halus, macam debu. Aiiiyek...nampak bersih je carpet2 ni, rupanya berhabuk...terbukti asthma friendly ("Dyson uprights are certified asthma & allergy friendly™ by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America.The air expelled from a Dyson vacuum has up to 150 times less bacteria and mold than the air you breathe").

This type of Mat Dyson, is work best for those who have pets. Pets? Heh, mana ada. Mana tau kalau you-know-who takmo vacuum lagi, boleh la aku buat business sewa vacuum for pets. I havent try other tool and techniques yet, and it's too early to give puji-pujian but I'm sure Mat Dyson (and the person who is going to be the main user) will not disappoint me (wink).

My Open House

Alhamdulillah, semuanya berjalan lancar semalam. Aku sampai tak sempat nak amik gambar. Overall, aku penat and puas hati. At least, berjaya juga aku membuat 1 majlis untuk sedara2 and jiran2 ku, yang asyik tanya je, bila nak buat 'open-house' sejak masuk rumah ni;)

Ada 1 perkara yang aku hangin betul...aku terpaksa membasuh cadar bilik tidur ku yang BARU dan baru ditukar, yang merangkumi EMPAT lapis itu, the quilt cover, the quilt, the bedsheet and the mattress protector!! Ini gara2 si Aimi Kapi...ntah air kencing ke susu tumpah ke...habis basah semua. Hangin betul!

Despite the frustration, THANKS so much to my relatives, my friendly neighbours, my colleugues, who were willing to come to the very small-but-impressive house (ahaks:p)...heh, nasib cukup tpt duduk semua, cuma kesian tpt tak luas dan cuaca agak panas. Thanks to Gan and Chan, for the buah tangan. Thanks also to Mak Edah, with the-marvellous-my-feveret bread pudding and the fruit tarts. Oh tidak lupa untuk Ibu tersayang, yang masak Mee Siam & Sup Ayam.=)

Most credit goes to Achik (my aunt) and family, the chef of the day. Masakan semua menjadi dan sedap, cuma 2 benda Achik kena improve lagi : TIME and 'presentation'. Aku dah set kul 12, tp kul 12 baru dia sampai..heh, orang pulak dah dtg. Dah 2 kali kot dia buat I guess that her big problem that need to be improved as a new businesswoman. Bab presentation pulak, idak ler teman berapa gemor pakai tupperware2 ni... Takpe Achik, masakan Achik yang sodap tu memuaskan hati & perut tetamu2 saya, I LIKE!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What? Dyson?

Someone is going to buy this remarkable machine. Ada duit rupanya ini orang. Kalau macam tu belikan lah aku handbag baru ke, keta baru ke.., kan, kan, kan.

To this crazy person, "kalau tak rajin vacuum rumah lepas ni, aku jitat paler ko!" muahahaha...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Mistaken Identity

Husna believes she is a princess. She sometimes said to others - My name is Princess Husna. I have to buy almost 10 dresses because she only wears a dress, which she calls as 'baju princess' or 'baju-nampak-tiak'. I have to make-up stories just to pujuk her to wear pyjamas in the evening. She even asked for a crown!! Nobody teach her what a crown is! She will dance and sit like a princess, and even waving her hand like a Miss World waves to the crowd..aha, you know how..

However, sometimes this princess-wannabe thingy, helps me too. I could tell her something like... princess always behave, eat carrots for beautiful eyes, eat vege for beautiful hair...hehe. A princess never shout and always say please and thank you. Yaa, it works you know..ohh my girl really wants to be a princess!=)

Actually mamas, we have to nourish this kind of imagination (of course la mesti berpada) to help her to be imaginative, to improve vocabulary (yup..suddenly she could say crown), to learn social rules and more. Read here.

Takpelah Husna, Mama can deal and accept this. You still look pretty and cute. Mama tak boleh bayangkan kalau Husna nak jadi Spider Man ke, Transformer ke or lagi teruk nak jadi pelakon Bollywood!

Datuk SRK : Kebodohan Yang Melampau

Datukship for Shah Rukh Khan??? Hilang akal ke Khalil & Ali Rustam ni?? Ini satu kebodohan yang aku tak boleh terima.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Salam Aidilfitri 1429

Himpunan cucu-cicit Haji Mohamed bin Mahmud (Belum cukup - geng Putrajaya tak sampai lagi). Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada semua muslimin dan muslimat. Maaf Zahir Batin. Berhati-hati di jalan raya:)
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