Thursday, December 20, 2007

Hah? Baru 2 Tahun??

10 Zulhijjah 1428.

2 tahun lepas waktu ini, aku sedang berkorban, bertarung nyawa untuk Husna. Amran, berkorban tido menjaga aku sampai selamat semuanya. Ibu,Uda berkorban masa, menunggu aku di luar. Abah, berkorban tenaga/masa membantu orang kampung merasa melaksanakan ibadat korban. Adik, berkorban 'geli' tolong basuh uri husna. Semua org sedang berkorban waktu itu.

What i know, starting from this date,my sacrification just begins and its worth.
Selamat hari jadi sayang. Mama love u so much. Thanks to:
Ibu, ayah - for the bicycle.(naik je, kayuh dok lagi;)
Mak, abah - for the lovely dresses.
Adik - The drawing set
Busu & kids - the cash
Achik Nora & family - The train
and lastly Cik Ton's secret gift(syarat dia, jgn bukak dulu,heh mcm2)


Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Husna is having a cold since yesterday. Yesterday, was quite bad. She had a runny nose and had been snizzen all day. She doesnt know how to blow her nose and refuse to rub Vicks on her nose. I just rub on her chest and back.

Today, she seemed ok. The mucus has turned thicken and turn gray. I hope it is just a common cold. Babycenter says : "If he plays and eats normally (or almost normally — he might eat a bit less and drag a little), then it's probably a cold." - ohh ok, she eats and plays normally, so it is a common cold:) Lagi pun musim hujan ni. We might wondering why we get sick very often during musim hujan, ni sebabnya. -->
"....because cold air and indoor heating dry out his nasal membranes, making it easier for a cold virus to get a foothold there. He also spends more time during cold weather cooped up indoors, where viruses can spread more easily from one person to another".

Cepat baik, sayang!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

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